Launceston Choral Society perform Rossini on 23rd March 2013 in aid of Shane White Tribute

Created by Kerran 25th March 2013 This event has closed


The retiring collection from this concert will be in aid of The Meningitis Trust in memory of Shane White, who tragically died from Meningitis nearly 12 months ago, just two weeks before marrying Kerran Parish, the daughter of Choral society member Beryl Parish. Kerran is keen to highlight the symptoms of meningitis, so symptoms cards and further information from The Trust is available that evening.


From Kerran Parish

10th April 2013
I wish to say a big Thank you to Launceston Choral Society for donating the retiring collection for their Easter concert to the Meningitis Trust in memory of Shane. £325 far exceeded our expectations and it's an amazing figure. I also wish to thank the people who attended the concert for their genorosity. It is greatly appreciated and the money will be put to great use in supporting families like ours who have been so deeply affected by this devastating illness. Thank you also to Cathie Hill for providing the symptoms cards, posters, banners etc, again raising awareness of the symptoms and the work of The Trust. I am so grateful to the Society for including Meningitis symptoms awareness within the advertisement of the concert. It is vital that as many people are made aware of this life changing illness as possible and that it not only affects children, but like Shane, adults too. Thank you again. Kerran